We create several recruitment videos for BC businesses each year, and our main goal is to make viewers feel as though they want to work for the company (even if it's not part of the industry they currently work in!). How do we do this? We start by collecting genuine stories from real employees, who are passionate about what they do.

Creating this recruitment video for Acres Enterprises Ltd. was a truly fun experience. Not only do we love working with the Acres team, we also got the chance to capture b-roll on a live construction site! There's so much going on on-site that makes for great b-roll, AND we were able to get some really nice aerials of a building being constructed by Acres in Merritt (we all know I love the chance to fly my drone!).

Everyone we spoke to seemed to really love working for this company, and we think it really shows in the video. If this doesn't make you want to work for Acres, I don't know what will!